Why Does Effort have to be made to Refine the Mind?
There are various reasons that cause our minds to be clouded. There are both internal and external factors.
Carefulness In All Dhamma.
The nature of a mind is always thinking and wandering. Normally one’s mind is often unconscious and indulges in the five sensual pleasures namely: forms, odors, sounds and tangible objects that usually tempt one to do bad deeds with his/her body, speech and mind.
There are two types of a wise:
The external wise one is an individual who behaves well, follows strong moral and ethical principles and uses their wisdom in everyday life.
How many kinds of meditation are there?
How many kinds of meditation are there? (Part 1)
False Friendship 4: The One Who Leads You Down the Road to Ruin
Basically, the one who leads you down the road to ruin likes persuading you to do bad, unnecessary, or useless things.
The Best Catalyst of Creation is Good Friends
Good friends usually lead us in the right directions. They prefer only thoughts, words, and actions that benefit their lives and others. Whatever is right and appropriate they know how to do.
Associating with Bad Friends
Bad friends lead us to bad lives. And many bad lives lead to irresponsible behavior, and irresponsibility often ruins the ethical economy in our society.
Goal in This Life
People should have clear goals in their lives. When we have good goals to accomplish, we will not waste our time and life doing other useless things.
A Person Should Cherish His Friends
The northern direction, or the left-hand direction, represents the relationships we have with others as a result of friendship i.e. our friends – but this also extends to more distant acquaintances that affect our lives and resources.
Employees and Servants Should Serve Their Employers
Even if we have a bad boss, the boss still may have points for us about which to feel grateful. At the very least, he or she gives us the opportunities to work to make money to support our lives.